Wednesday 28 November 2018

Yoww this what we call visume

Video Resume

Safety - Reflection


Hye guys. Today I want reflect my Communicative English 2 for the whole semester three that I study with my Madam what I learned in my English Class with my Madam. The topics I like tell about drive safety from my presentation & report. In this topic I get to learn what to do when I face a situation like that.

First of all, if we see vehicle accident on the road when you still driving you have to stay focus. Because if you get distract you will bring a dangerous situation to other people that use a same road with you. Beside that, we must call a ambulance immediately. Furthermore, we have to check our vehicle condition before we take a journey to see if it in a good to use or not. If not you must take your vehicle to service before you use it. Lastly, drive with speed limit that have give to us okay.

That's all from me thank you. I wish you guys have a nice journey in this holiday👌👍.

Safety - Report



A major concern of safety at work is preventing accidents at work. An accident at work can be defined in different ways depending of the context in which it is used. Often also the word incident is used, sometimes as a broader term encompassing ‘an accident' as a specific type of incident, but sometimes the words accidents and incidents refer to two different types of events.
Prevention of accidents at work focuses on the causes of accidents. Accident causation models provide a theoretical basis for explaining how accidents at work occur. Statistical data give some details about the accidents that occur in the workplace: the occurrence, the victims and the causes.
In the context of accident prevention, the phenomenon of accidents and incidents are often viewed in light of accident investigation and analysis. The main purpose is to gain insight in the (underlying) causes in order to prevent accidents in the future and to improve the safety of the workers. Definitions of accidents and incidents reflect this purpose and refer one way or another on how accidents occur.



These particular types of crashes are complex and violent in nature. More than any other type of crash, rollovers reflect the interaction of the driver, road, vehicle, and environmental factors. Although a vehicle’s type has a significant role in the accident, so does driver behavior and road and environmental conditions. Other factors include speed, alcohol consumption, and location. According to the NHTSA, data showed that nearly 85% of all rollover-related fatalities are the result of single-vehicle crashes.


This is a type of road traffic accident in which only one vehicle is involved. A majority of these types of crashes are run-off-road collisions, collisions with fallen debris, rollovers, and collisions with animals.


    A traffic accident where a vehicle crashes into the vehicle in front of it. These are usually due to driver inattention or distraction, tailgating, panic stops, and reduced traction due to irregular road conditions caused by weather.


     These accidents, also known as broadside or T-bone collisions, are where the side of one or more vehicles is impacted. These crashes commonly occur at intersections, parking lots and when two vehicles pass on a roadway accounting for about a quarter of passenger vehicle occupant deaths, according to the IIH. The results from a side impact collision can be severe but can vary depending on where the vehicle is struck.


This type of accident is when the front ends of two vehicles hit each other in opposite directions. Head-on collisions are an often fatal road traffic accident. Being aware of traffic signs, street conditions and staying in your lane play a critical role in avoiding these types of accidents.
If you have been injured in a car accident, please call the office of Herrman and Herrman to schedule a free consultation at 361-792-2358. Our team of experienced lawyers and dedicated staff will ensure you get the answers you need and help you through this difficult process.





Car accidents can be describe as super scary case. Because they happen so fast and unexpectedly. Or even worse you sometimes see them coming but there’s absolutely nothing that can be done about it. (It is this brief nanosecond of a moment between perception, realization, and the accident in which people often describe seeing their life flash before their eyes. I don’t know about all that, but it is true that time seems kind of elastic and what couldn’t be more than 0.000001 seconds feels like almost 1 or even 2 whole seconds!) Have you ever been in one? It’s awful. But I think one of the worst things about car accidents, besides the fact that they’re scary and a lot of people die in them, so OK besides that, but after those horrible parts about car accidents the other worst thing is definitely that people who have survived them do not use enough SOUND EFFECTS and FUNNY FACES in their descriptions of what happened.



1. Over Speeding
2. Drunken Driving
3. Distractions to Driver
4. Red Light Jumping
5. Avoiding Safety Gears like Seat belts and Helmets
6. Non-adherence to lane driving and overtaking in a wrong manner


It’s normal to feel some difficult emotions after a car crash, even for a month or more afterwards. Here’s what to expect.
After a car accident, you’re often in shock. When that fades, you can feel any number of different emotions – all of which are totally normal.
In most car crashes, the traumatic event happens unexpectedly, so you may feel you were unprepared for it or powerless to stop it. When you look at it this way, the emotions that you experience after a car accident make much more sense.
Eventually, once the car is repaired, insurance companies dealt with, and physical injuries healed, these feelings and reactions will fade.
If you’re struggling after a crash with your mental health and wellbeing, it’s important to get help.

Road safety is very important for people of all age group to be safe secure as well as reduce the number of the road accidents and all injury cases. So everyone should strictly follow the rules, regulations and sign of the road traffic lights and remember the green cross code : -
1. First find the safest place to cross
2. Stop just before you get the to the cerb
3. Look all around for traffic and listen
4. If traffic is coming, let it pass
5. When it is safe, go straight across the road- don’t run



a)    Carry safety gear in your vehicle (shovel, jumper cables, tow rope, jack, wheel wrench, spare tire, flashlight, first aid, etc.).
b)    Ensure there is adequate survival gear in the vehicle when driving in winter (food, communications, warm clothes/ sleeping bag).
c)    Ensure vehicle is mechanically sound and suitably equipped - check fuel, oil and fluid levels and tire condition (uneven tread, cuts, cracks and bulges) and pressure.
d)    Drive in a safe and controlled manner that is suitable for road and weather conditions, and obey all traffic laws.
e)    Wear a seat belt at all times while travelling in a vehicle.
f)     Check road and weather reports, and investigate potential hazards that may be encountered on your route before setting out (e.g. washouts, deteriorated bridges, water-crossings, rock slides, etc.)
g)    Secure loose cargo items (e.g. fuel containers, jacks, spare tires) that might cause further damage in the case of an accident.
h)   Be aware of other vehicles on the road and check your mirrors frequently.
i)     Be aware of large commercial vehicles on the road. They take more than twice the distance to stop.  Avoid cutting in front of large trucks or braking suddenly in front of them.
j)      Avoid staying too long in a driver’s blind spot.  Do not pass vehicles on the right unless road signs allow.
k)    Proceed with caution near accident sites. Other drivers may be looking at the accident and not paying attention.
l)     Be aware and drive carefully when animals, cyclists, parked cars or people are on the road.
m)  Be especially cautious when driving in muddy, snowy or icy conditions, and on loose gravel.
n)   Use caution when driving at dusk or dawn when animals tend to emerge to forage.
o)    Be a defensive driver.  Do not assume other vehicles will always turn in accordance with their turn signals.
p)    Use caution when driving through intersections, even when you have the right of way.
q)    Avoid tailgating to allow yourself time to stop if the other vehicle stops abruptly.  Use the 2 second rule when following a vehicle.
r)     Check fuel level before every trip, considering your range and the distance to gas stations along the route.
s)    Be aware of the type of fuel the vehicle requires.  Filling a gas-powered vehicle with diesel or vice-versa can destroy the engine.
t)     Ensure your driving companion is carrying a spare key, or secure a spare key in a safe place on the outside of the vehicle.
u)   Promptly report any accident to the police and report to your supervisor.
v)    Keep your hands on the wheel, your eyes on the road and your mind on the driving.
w)   Get someone to stand outside the vehicle at a safe distance to guide you if you must back-up with limited visibility.
x)    Use parking brake when parked on a hill.
y)    Always conduct a vehicle walk around prior to starting the trip.


· Inform drivers of turn only lanes, no turning and more


· Control the speed of traffic on streets, in parking lots or road on property


· Response speeds When responding “Code 3”, drivers shall operate the vehicle they are driving at as close to the posted speed limit as possible, but not to exceed ten (10) miles per hour over the posted speed limit, conditions permitting. Examples of conditions requiring slower response speeds include but are not limited to;

a) Slippery road conditions
b) Inclement weather
c) Poor visibility
d) Heavy or congested traffic conditions
e) Sharp curves
f) Steep grades
g) Approaching scene

· Accident Reporting
1. If an apparatus is involved in an accident of any size while responding to an incident, or to the station, or while on authorized duties, the member must notify the Fire Chief or their senior officer.
2. The driver shall submit our provided accident report form to our current insurance provider if the accident has significant damages, injuries, and/or it was involved with another party.
3. All injuries must be recorded and reported to insurance provider by providing their senior officer with the accident claim.
4. Injured members shall contact MedCore per insurance protocols.

Safety - Drive Safety Presentation

Social Interaction - IKMKL Activities Reflection


This is one from all IKMKL activities that I attend when semester two. Owhh before I forget to tell you guys what is Dean's List. 

A Dean's List is an academic award, or notation, used to recognize the level of highest scholarship demonstrated by students in a college or university. This system is most often used in North America, though institutions in Europe, Asia, and Australia may also employ similar measures. It is often synonymous with honor roll and honor list, but should not be confused with honours degrees.
Generally, students enrolled in college or university would need to satisfy a series of specific requirements before receiving the Dean's List. These requirements may differ across institutions, but in most cases will require students to enroll in a full-time capacity, to achieve a specific grade point average within the academic term, and to maintain a specific cumulative grade point average throughout enrollment. Universities may often establish further rewards, such as Annual Dean's Lists, for students that demonstrate even greater academic distinction. As such, a Dean's List and its direct derivatives are usually intended for students that demonstrate highest scholarship across multiple disciplines, and not necessarily bound to a specific field of study.
Over time, the Dean's List has also led to the creation of additional rewards with similar nomenclatures, including the Provost'sList, the Chancellor's List, the Rector's List (mostly limited to within Europe), and the Director's List. The additional requirements to be met for such honors may include academic distinction within a target field of study, extracurricular achievements, continued high scholarship throughout enrollment or other noteworthy accomplishments.

This system based on GPA that student get last semester.

Comparison to GPA

The Dean's List GPA requirements vary from school to school, although there are general standards:
  • With the GPA scale from 0 to 4, 4 being an A, the dean's list cutoff is typically around 3.5-3.7.
  • Top 10% of the class in GPA
Some schools maintain two lists for two different levels of GPA. For example, the dean's list records students with at least a 3.5 GPA whereas the chancellor's list records students with a higher 4.0 GPA.
Different from an academic scholarship, the dean's list award does not come with any financial aid. However, students high on the dean's list are often offered extra financial aid, especially if they express a desire to transfer or exhibit more financial need.

From this activity I want to reflect about how good this programme. For me this a very good programme to appreciate student achievement in academic. Because with this student can be motivate to do the best for next semester from reward that their get. That all from me thank you guys for spent your time in my blog😚😚.

Tuesday 27 November 2018

Job Hunting Skills Reflection

Job Hunting Skills Reflection

Hye guys. Today I want reflect (NUE3121) my Communicative English 2 for the whole semester three that I study with my Madam. The topics that I like to tell about what i have learn from Job Hunting Skills in my english class. From this topic i know about locating job opportunities in media. 

First of all, my Madam Roshzah teach me about do a cover letter & resume. Because job applicants know that the first step to getting hired is crafting the best resume for the position. Resumes are the first thing recruiters see. If they don’t pay attention to your resume, you don’t have a chance of getting in. Resumes are truly important, and while crafting a professional-looking, 3–page resume might be the way to get that dream job, you should know that it is really up to you, the position you are applying for, and the company you wish to work in. Sometimes, these long and formal-looking resumes end up at the bottom of the pile, while the more creative ones get noticed. The secret to this is to be relevant to the company you are applying for. Most people submit the hard copies of their resumes. For freelancers, they usually summit their resume only. Sometimes it is in PDF format, or in JPEG format

Beside that, interview also very important when you want to apply a job that you desire. You will have to attend a interview when you get some respond from company that you apply. 

Furthermore my Madam also teach me how to make a visume(video resumes). Because we live in modern era. So nowadays visume(video resumes) are emerging in today’s job hunt as a trendy upkeep of the growing tech market. Hiring managers love that video resumes are so vivid and present a well-rounded candidate—rather than just a list of accomplishments. These video resumes function like a pre-interview to help managers better understand the applicant “face to face.”

These are the benefits of using a visume(video resume) over a traditional resume that I get from I make a visume.

1. Showcases your personality

A video allows you to show off who you are in a more intimate and personal way. You can use your smile, humor, body language, facial expressions, and vibrancy to engage with the hiring manager. You can put a face to the achievements and experience. You can talk about your passion and enthusiasm. You can make them get a feel for you—and for why they should hire you.
The best way to do this is with a clearly defined “purpose.” Many candidates list their purpose at the top of their resume—but this purpose is generally vague and short (often because of the lack of space on a single page of a resume). For example, “I’m looking for a waitressing position.”
The purpose in a video can be more colorful, descriptive, and vivid: “I’m looking for a server’s position where I will have a loyal clientele that I can get to know on an intimate, first-name basis, share stories with, laugh with, and get a lot of tips from.” You know what you want, and the manager will be able to see how you might fit into their company culture. This creates a better hiring decision for everyone.

2. Answers the questions managers want answered

Most paper resumes are cookie-cutter. They list what you’ve accomplished and your experience, but they don’t demonstrate your learned skills. A video resume can better discuss and showcase skills relevant to the job. For example, if you are applying for a server position, you can talk about a time you handled a difficult customer. While you’re talking in the video, balance a tray of water glasses on your arm. It’s a little goofy and silly—but it will show your personality while also demonstrating your skills and experience firsthand.

3. Creates a tailored first impression

Video interviews can help you have the perfect first impression. And first impressions are crucial to hiring success.
You can present yourself in the best possible light to hiring managers, because you are able to record and re-record until you’re pleased with your “first impression.” This also takes pressure off of any additional meetings with the manager, because you’ve already made that crucial first impression. The more comfortable you are when you meet your manager in person for the first time, the more likely they will see the “real you.”

Video Resume

4. Offers greater control

In a similar vein, you can control how you appear to employers—and how they are likely to respond to you. You never know how an interviewer will read your resume, and oftentimes it is highly dependent on their mood.
Take “I’m a people-person” for example. A happy, outgoing manager will read this as you being sociable and personable. A more reserved manager might read that as you being overbearing.
There is less room for interpretation in a video resume. If you say in the video that you love people, while talking with a warm smile and gentle pitch, you’ll show that you genuinely love people.
In essence, you can control the tone, pitch, and personality that go into your resume. You can control how the resume is heard and received—because it’s coming directly from your mouth.

5. Proves your ability to sell

A video resume is similar to an elevator pitch. You have a set limit of time where you have to sell yourself and your skills in a creative, personable way. The ability to sell yourself verbally proves your linguistic eloquence. Basically, it says whether or not you’re a good salesperson. This is especially important for customer-facing jobs in the restaurant or retail industry.

6. Shows your tech savvy-ness (or willingness to learn)

Although creating a video resume is easy (especially when Forge walks you through it), it makes you seem tech savvy. This is a great skill for any industry, because it shows that you’re able to learn quickly with new and emerging technologies. It also demonstrates a willingness to take risks to be at the forefront of trends.

7. Ensures visibility

Traditional resumes are easy to scan and throw aside. In contrast, managers have to watch a video resume if they want to consider hiring you or not. They can’t pretend they watched it or hurry through it. This gives you the floor and focuses the attention on you and your skills—without the traditional limitations of the paper.
Lastly, the whole semester when Madam teach me, I got many improvement in many things. For example like I know how to do a blog , stand in bravely by our own feet when we do a interview. Beside, I also know how to use a better words in my speech. Last I know how to speak English properly when we talk with people using English language. 

I hope Madam Roshzah stay healthy and keep patient when taught students from next semester with us or next student. Always happy when taught them. And I always success in life. Owh before I forgot thank you to my madam because teach me these skills 
that I can use in real life in future when I'm looking for a job after I graduate. 

Yoww this what we call visume

VISUME Video Resume